Cosmetic Dentistry

cosmetic dentistry

Our office provides state of the art technology to help our patients achieve the smile of their dreams. We have a wide range of cosmetic dental services and create custom solutions depending on our clients aesthetic needs.

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

The modern world offers solutions for almost every problem. Cosmetic dentistry offers great solutions when it comes to our smiles. It helps us regain our confidence and just feel the moments, without second thoughts.

Cosmetic or aesthetic dentistry is rather focused on enhancing the appearance of the teeth and it is often up to the patients to seek services.

Cosmetic Dentistry Includes The Following Services:

The Most Widespread Services Of Cosmetic Dentistry Are The Following:

Cosmetic Bonding

Cosmetic bonding, also known as dental bonding is considered a cosmetic dentistry treatment. It enhances the patients’ smile and improves the aesthetical appearance of the teeth. During Cosmetic bonding tooth-colored composite resin material is applied to the teeth to eliminate a number of flaws such as cracks and chips, close gaps, and change the shape of a tooth.

At present bonding has become a widely used procedure and has many advantages. The procedure is minimally invasive and is not painful. Dental bonding is also a very affordable option.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening has become a widely sought out procedure for both men and women. Another term for tooth whitening is teeth bleaching. There is a slight difference between these two procedures but both teeth bleaching and whitening makes the teeth lighter than the natural color of the teeth.

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Lately, veneers have become quite popular and even trendy. Those who are looking for a hollywood smile will often opt for this procedure. Veneers are generally used to improve a number of dental flaws such as broken or discolored teeth, chipped teeth, small teeth, and other dental issues.

Generally, dentists use porcelain veneers. To place them, dentists first need to grind teeth and make a mold of the teeth. Veneers are made based on the mold, and placed on the teeth, cementing them.

​​​​​​​However, some dentists also advise using composite resin veneers, which is another option that is used quite frequently.

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Digital Smile Design

This is a modern tool that enables dentists to improve the patient’s smile digitally and show them the mock-up, before the actual treatment. It enables the patients to imagine the final results before the procedure has even started.

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Looking For A Cosmetic Dentist In Pasadena?

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