Caries Treatment

Caries Treatment in Pasadena

What are cavities and why is it so important to treat them in time?

Cavities are surfaces on the teeth that are permanently damaged. They are often applied as caries or tooth decay. So why do caries appear? Many factors can cause caries, and the most common of them are bacteria, sugar consumption, and of course, lack of appropriate teeth hygiene.

It is, of course, preferable to treat caries in its early stages, as in time the cavities may become larger and affect deeper layers of the teeth. Besides, if not treated in time, it can cause infection and severe toothache. Very often, cavities can lead to tooth loss.

Caries Treatment Procedure

Surely, the caries treatment procedure is not one of the pleasant ones. Yet, modern medicine makes it as painless and as easy as it is possible. Many patients delay their visit to the dentist just because they are afraid of drilling. They don’t realize that the larger the cavity, the more drilling will be needed.

To come straight to the point, here are the caries treatment stages:

Remember, that it is always possible to prevent caries if you have a healthier lifestyle and pay more attention to your teeth hygiene. It is much easier to prevent it or treat it in time than to suffer from severe consequences.

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