Dental Implants

dental implants

Rebuild Your Smile For A Lifetime

A missing tooth can change the quality of life drastically. It can cause physical discomfort and make it more difficult for you to enjoy the foods you love most. It can also cause you to feel more self conscious due to aesthetics reasons. Most people would agree that it is not pleasant to feel like you need to suppress your genuine smile all the time because of a missing tooth. Modern dentistry has found a lot of solutions to this problem, and one of them we provide is dental implants in Pasadena.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial roots surgically placed into the upper or lower jaw bone that then hold replacement crowns for your missing teeth. Dental implants are commonly made from titanium, a medical-grade material that is sanitary and efficient in its use. Dental implants can replace a single tooth or several teeth, depending on your needs. Implants are divided into single-tooth implants and bridge-on implants, each having its own benefits for patients who are missing teeth, whether a single tooth or multiple.

The Benefits Of Dental Implants

Dental implants have many advantages, making them an excellent replacement for a missing tooth. When placed by the right dentist, a dental implant can deliver some of the benefits listed below:

  • They replace the tooth's root structure and become a fused part of the body for enhanced durability.

  • Implants do not differ from real teeth visually and by how they feel. They simply look like a natural part of your smile.

  • In time, dental implants become so comfortable that patients do not even feel them.

  • They are enduring and can last a lifetime when cared for properly and paired with healthy oral hygiene.

What's The Process For Getting Dental Implants?

Dental implants are mostly made out of titanium or titanium alloys that are considered strong and enduring materials. The implants are placed by a surgical process conducted with the patient remaining comfortable after the application of anesthesia. In time, the jaw bone develops around the newly placed implants, granting them more stability as they become fused to the bone itself.

In specific cases, patients may need special treatment beforehand, such as a bone graft, to prepare them for implants. A dental bone graft is a straightforward procedure that allows the patient to naturally regenerate jaw bone mass. Once the jawbone has built itself back up enough, then patients can pursue dental implants.

What If I Am Missing Many Teeth?

In this case, the best solution may prove to be dental overdentures or an all on 4 set. Implant overdentures are an excellent option for patients who are missing most or all of their teeth. Implant overdentures allow patients to fully restore their smiles with a sturdier solution than traditional dentures. Additionally, patients may be able to benefit from all on 4 or all on 6 dental implants.

Our Office Provides The Following Implant Services:

All-on-4 Implants

All on 4 and all on 6 restorations use four or six dental implants, which are then used as the means for affixing a set of custom teeth similar to dentures but permanently affixed to the implants.

When are they usually used?

Usually, all on 4 and 6 dental implants are used for patients want to restore their smiles, but want a sturdier and more reliable solution than traditional dentures. Due to all 4 and 6 restorations, it is possible to have beautiful teeth that look natural and restore your smile’s aesthetic. The recovery time for the procedure is minimal and requires virtually no downtime from daily routines.

Why Do Patients Choose All on 4 Dental Implants?

Besides being quick and less time-consuming, all on 4 full mouth restorations have other advantages as well.
Some of the most important benefits are the following:

  • Do not require bone-structure

  • Are fixed and stable

  • Are long-lasting, often permanent

  • It can be adjusted even in just one visit

  • Give many opportunities and reasons to smile more often

Dental Implant includes the following services:

  • All on 4 Restorations

  • Bridges on Implants

  • Full Mouth Rehabilitation

  • All on 6

  • Implant Overdentures

  • Single Tooth Implants

How Much Do All on 4 Dental Implants Cost in Pasadena?

The cost of all on 4 dental implant restorations can vary quite significantly from product to product, procedure to procedure (the same goes for all on 6). In some cases, a patient’s insurance may be useful, but it depends on your coverage. We work closely with patients to find the ideal payment solution for them, so they can know what their cost will be before committing to the treatment.

Looking for a Dental Implant Specialist in Pasadena?

Schedule an appointment for a complimentary consultation with our specialist for dental implants in Pasadena. Call our office or use our online form to book your visit and learn more about all our options for replacing missing teeth to rebuild your smile.