Cleaning & Maintenence

Periodontal disease is more commonly known as gum disease. If gum disease goes without any treatment it can cause the supporting bone structure to erode and result in the loss of teeth. Gum disease typically starts with gingivitis. Symptoms of gingivitis include inflamed, swollen, and bleeding gums. It is caused by the accumulation of plaque along the line of the gums. Gingivitis can be reversed with proper oral hygiene and routine dental cleanings.

Periodontitis typically occurs when the bone and gums start retracting from the teeth. This causes pockets that deepen over time and become infected, resulting in the loss of teeth due to insufficient support. This disease is irreversible and should be addressed immediately.

Periodontal cleaning is a deep cleaning that is focused on preventing periodontal pockets.

Why Is Periodontal Maintenance Important?

Periodontal maintenance is an important part of preventative dentistry that ensures the health of the patient’s teeth and gums. During the regular checkups, the periodontist will examine the overall condition of the teeth and gums and let you know about the further steps to take.

Your Dentist May Recommend

  • Cleaning to remove plaque and tartar buildup

  • Scaling and root planning of the gums

One of the indicators that a person has a periodontal disease is bad breath. Professional teeth cleaning helps to freshen breath, also to get rid of bacteria, plaque, and tartar.

Preventive Dentistry Includes The Following Services:

Need A Periodontal Cleaning & Maintenance In Pasadena?

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